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Top 5 downloaded articles of July 2020 Are you looking to open your mind and expand your knowledge? This month, dive into the world of health policy; uncover the impact of sewage sludge; explore the relationship between flow and your emotions; discover the benefits of fungus and go behind the scenes of SMS spam! Here are Zendy’s top 5 downloaded articles and e-books in July: 1) Introduction to Health Policy Are you interested in health policymaking, critical health policy issues, or international perspectives on health policy? In his recent e-book, Leiyu Shi takes a unique perspective by integrating all these topics into this one of a kind e-book. Drawing on real-world cases and examples to reinforce theories and concepts, this is your go-to resource for a comprehensive and refreshing introduction to health policy. Continue reading here:https://zendy.io/title/21083 2) Sewage Sludge: Assessment, Treatment and Environmental Impact What is sewage sludge, you ask? We asked ourselves this exact question! Sewage sludge is the product resulting from wastewater treatment plants and aquaculture systems. With insights from experts, this comprehensive e-book presents an assessment of the impact of sewage sludge on the environment and the various treatment options for converting the sludge into useful resources. Continue reading here:https://zendy.io/title/21084 3) Flow in the Health Sciences for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion In his e-book, Kazuki Hiraoexplores the connection between flow (or the mental state of becoming fully immersed in an activity) with a diverse range of physical and mental conditions.Through a critical discussion of recent clinical research, Hirao outlines the relationships between flow and emotional issues such as guilt, shyness, stress, and optimism. What are the health benefits associated with flow? Continue reading here:https://zendy.io/title/21085 4) Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus Improves Rhizobium–Glycyrrhiza Seedling Symbiosis under Drought Stress Did you know that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus can create a symbiotic relationship between a plant and a fungus so that both organisms benefit from the interaction?Liquoriceplants are widely used as medicinal herbs or supplements. However, drought stress and nutrient deficiency often limit the growth and production of liquorice seedling cultivation. Can mycorrhizae fungus potentially alleviate the abiotic stress on liquorice? Continue reading here:https://zendy.io/title/10412 5) A Prototype Scalable System for Secured Bulk SMS Delivery on Mobile Networks Recently, there has been a rise in cyber criminals who are deceiving mobile users to part with access codes and other personal information. In a study, a prototype scam detector was developed that could automatically scan through SMS messages and determine whether they are spam or not and then take necessary actions. How successful was the scam detector? Continue reading here:https://zendy.io/title/10514 Access these e-books, articles and more on Zendy – your gateway to knowledge and discovery! Zendy is now available in Algeria, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, and the UAE.
calendarAug 11, 2020  |clock9 Mins Read
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Top 5 downloaded articles of June 2020
Jul 9, 20209 Mins ReadTop reads

Top 5 downloaded articles of June 2020

Summer 2020 will look different for most of us: no shoulder to shoulder at a crowded concert or flying on a tightly packedaeroplane! But not everything has to be different. One beloved summer pastime remains as available and accessible, and that’s summer reading! Why not use this time to expand your mind with the top downloaded e-books and articles by our Zendy users? 1) Jane Austen: Emma Possibly one of the most beloved of Austen's six novels next to 'Pride and Prejudice', 'Emma' is a book entirely dominated by the personality of its eponymous heroine. Although we may all be in love with Mr. Darcy first and foremost, we all want to be Emma! This e-book offers a close reading of the text, setting it in the context of Jane Austen's life, times and literary heritage. Continue reading here:https://zendy.io/title/21086 2) Translating research findings in genetics of learning disabilities to special education instruction Over the past few years, a remarkable shift has taken place in the role of genetics in special education. This study outlines advances in our understanding of genetic influences on learning disabilities. Although learning disabilities are highly genetic, do environmental factors play an important role? What misunderstandings about the gene-environment correlation exist in special education? Continue reading here:https://zendy.io/title/5530 3) Team leadership: Theories, tools and techniques Wondering how your team can be more productive and efficient? Then 'Team Leadership' is the e-book for you! It brings together theories and research on team development, team functioning, managing teams, team growth and more. What tools and techniques can be used to raise the performance levels of teams and help them to function optimally? Continue reading here:https://zendy.io/title/21087 4) A nurse’s step by-step guide to writing a dissertation or scholarly project Feeling overwhelmed by the mere thought of writing your dissertation or scholarly project? Wondering how to begin and where to find the time? You are not alone! Earning your advanced degree is an extraordinary accomplishment, but completing those final stages can be a daunting task. Packed with practical steps and tools, this e-book will help you plan, document, organise, and write your dissertation or scholarly project. Continue reading here:https://zendy.io/title/21088 5) Energy efficient design optimisation of a bioclimatic house This study aimed to find the most efficient and low cost of solutions to reduce the energy consumption of a busy house in Algeria, while guaranteeing thermal comfort. How can we optimise energy efficiency and carbon emissions during building design? Is there a possible solution for retrofitting a building to minimise its energy consumption? Continue reading here:https://zendy.io/title/8561 Access these e-books, articles and more on Zendy – your gateway to knowledge and discovery! Zendy is now available in Algeria, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, and the UAE.

Top 5 downloaded articles of May 2020
Jun 11, 20209 Mins ReadTop reads

Top 5 downloaded articles of May 2020

Want to spice up your to be read (TBR) with some exciting articles and e-books? Whether you’re looking for your next great idea or read, you're in luck, because here are the top downloaded articles in May by our Zendy Plus users: 1) Skin: A natural history Given the importance of our skin and the functions it performs; it is striking that relatively few scientists study its evolution. This e-book begins with a look at the skin's structure and functions and then tours its evolution, delving into such topics as the importance of touch and how the skin reflects and affects emotions. Continue reading here:https://zendy.io/title/21089 2) Hollywood is everywhere: Global directors in the blockbuster era Today, as the film industry is ever more global, the people who make blockbuster movies seemingly reflect this tradition, hailing from many countries across the world. This e-book offers a scrupulously detailed discussion of the transnationalisation of Hollywood and the histories and geographies of its global directors. Continue reading here:https://zendy.io/title/21090 3) Adsorption technology and design Adsorption is of considerable industrial importance and is a major part of many different processes throughout the chemical and process industries. The aim of this e-book is to provide all those involved in designing and running adsorption processes with a straightforward guide to the essentials of adsorption technology and design. Continue reading here: https://.zendy.io/title/21091 4) Literature - a mode to improve critical thinking skills Critical thinking plays a major role in the new knowledge era and one of the most efficient ways of improving critical thinking skills is through reading literature. Using Toro Dutt's "The Lotus" poem, this paper focuses on how reading a literary text can enhance thinking skills. Continue reading here:https://zendy.io/title/21092 5) The Paradox of Plenty: Oil booms and petro-states “The Paradox of Plenty” explains why, in the midst of two massive oil booms in the 1970s, oil-exporting governments as different as Venezuela, Iran, Nigeria, Algeria, and Indonesia chose common development paths and suffered similar outcomes. Continue reading here:https://zendy.io/title/21093 Access these articles and more on Zendy Plus – your gateway to knowledge and discovery! Zendy Plus is now available in Algeria, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, and the UAE.

Top 5 downloaded articles of April 2020
May 11, 20208 Mins ReadTop reads

Top 5 downloaded articles of April 2020

Are you looking for page-turning, conversation-starting academic literature? No matter what kind of scholarly articles and books tickle your fancy, you'll find plenty to choose from on Zendy! Here are April’s top downloaded articles and eBooks by our Zendy Plus users: 1) Botulinum neurotoxin for head and neck disorders This eBook offers otolaryngologists, neurologists, pain specialists, and others a guide to the management of motor, sensory and autonomic disorders of the head and neck region with botulinum neurotoxin. It covers treatment methods for conditions ranging from hyper-functional motor disorders to afferent pain disorders. Continue reading here:https://zendy.io/title/20942 2) Beyond Silicon Valley: How start-ups succeed in unlikely places Technology start-ups typically become successful by using injections of capital to grow as rapidly as possible and tolerating high risk in a rush for market domination. Entrepreneurs far from superstar innovation cities demonstrate that start-ups can achieve outsize success by following a different path.Wondering what path that would be? Continue reading here:https://zendy.io/title/881 3) New media language “New Media Language” is an essential read, bringing leading media figures and scholars together to debate the shifting relations between today's media and contemporary language. This eBook investigates how developments in world media have affected, and been affected by language. Continue reading here:https://zendy.io/title/20943 4) Advertising culture and translation: From colonial to global This eBook is a comprehensive study combining and integrating advertising, culture and translation within the framework of colonial, postcolonial studies, and globalisation. It addresses several issues evident in two relatively young disciplines, as a result of decades of research and teaching in university courses. Continue reading here:https://zendy.io/title/20944 5) The uncanny and the fairy tale in Kubrick's The Shining The “Literature Film Quarterly” is the longest-standing journal of international adaptation studies. This article takes a psychoanalytical approach to discuss the tensions between father, mother, and child in the motion picture “The Shining,” directed by Stanley Kubrick. It also explores the Freudian concepts which are present in the film. Continue reading here:https://zendy.io/title/21094 Access these eBooks, articles and more on Zendy Plus – your gateway to knowledge and discovery! Zendy Plus is now available in Algeria, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, and the UAE.

Widening access to research: Zendy teams up with Wiley in more than 30 countries
May 11, 20206 Mins ReadNews

Widening access to research: Zendy teams up with Wiley in more than 30 countries

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, 11th May, 2020: Knowledge E is pleased to announce it has extended its network of collaborations to Wiley. Wiley, a global leader in research and education, joined Zendy with its extensive portfolio of journals, allowing Zendy users to access a wealth of academic research.The partnership coversthe full collection of journals fromtheWiley Online Library, anythingfrom carbon energy to theoretical economics, in more than 30 countries. Empowering researchers and learners for a world of accelerating change The addition of Wiley resources will complement Zendy’s current offering, helping better connect research communities with scholarly literature. The partnership aspires to enrich the content available on Zendy and strengthen research and learning. “We are delighted to extend our partnership to a publisher such as Wiley. With access to Wiley, we aim to provide a big boost to the accessibility of content in the community, furthering research and continuous learning.”– Founder and CEO, Knowledge E, Kamran R. Kardan Duncan Campbell, Senior Director of Global Sales Partnerships at Wiley commented, “Wiley is very excited to be extending our working relationship with Knowledge E. Our partnership with Zendy will allow us to bring our journal content to new audiences and research communities with currently limited access. We look forward to further developing this partnership to achieve our shared goal of extending the global reach, dissemination, and visibility of research." About Zendy Zendy is an online platform that aims to innovatively facilitate access to academic literature. It addresses the key challenges that we face with conventional ways of finding high-quality and relevant, academic content. Current online scholarly libraries exist behind expensive paywalls or require university facilitated access. For developing countries, it can be difficult to access academic publications if they cannot afford the subscriptions. Zendy serves to provide knowledge to everyone, everywhere. Zendy is developed by Knowledge E in a growing collaboration with researchers, students, institutions and publishers. Join us on the journey of scholarly discovery, and reach out to us if you share the same vision and would like to contribute in any way. Zendy is now available in Algeria, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, and the UAE with more countries in Africa to follow in 2020. www.zendy.io About Knowledge E Established in 2012, Knowledge E’s name was fast to become synonymous with collaboration, professionalism and innovation. Head-quartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and supported by a team of over 35 highly engaged professionals, Knowledge E works closely with over 100 clients world-wide from various types of organisations and government entities within the research and education sector to support their continued innovation and development. This is achieved by providing leading expertise, information resources and software solutions. Since its inception, Knowledge E has prudently expanded its expertise, services and technology in line with its vision of developing ‘a more knowledgeable world’. Knowledge E’s three core offerings are the 3D’s; ‘Discover’, ‘Develop’ and ‘Disseminate’. ‘Discover’through the KnE Digital Library Solutions for research literature discovery, as well as tailored content packages; ‘Develop’ through the KnE Learning Programmes, supporting capacity building and skills development within academia as well as the KnE Consulting Projects, serving universities on their mission to become ‘world-class universities’; and ‘Disseminate’ through the KnE Publishing Services and the platform for Open Access publishing of regional journals and conference proceedings. www.knowledgee.com About Wiley Wiley drives the world forward with research and education. Through publishing, platforms and services, Wiley helps students, researchers, universities, and corporations to achieve their goals in an ever-changing world. For more than 200 years, Wiley has delivered consistent performance to all of their stakeholders. www.wiley.com

Permanent links now available for all articles on Zendy!
May 4, 20203 Mins ReadDiscover

Permanent links now available for all articles on Zendy!

Did you know you couldcopy article links by clicking on the paper clip icon next to the article title, as shown below? This feature, which was only available for a few articles previously, has now been made available across all articles on Zendy! You can also share this copied link via email or on social media to let others (if they are also a Zendy user and the content is accessible in their country) easily access the linkor save the link in a document for your ownfutureuse. Do note that due to this sitewide update,all links for articles that you may have previously copied are now redirecting to a new URL. How to retrieve the updated URL for the previously copied links? One way is to copy the ISBN/ISSN in your old article URL and paste it in the search field in Zendy and then search using the ISBN/ISSN filter. To find the ISBN/ISSN, see the below sample URL in which it has been made bold: https://app.zendy.io/title/isbn/9780231169042?id=XQAAAAIWAAAAAAAAAABBKIgm5XGa8Ww3flDPjRRS5dcCQbxwBEPm_nX_9ZewAA After searching for the ISBN/ISSN on Zendy, the article title you had originally copied the link of should appear on the top in the search results. If the title doesn't appear or you’re not able to decode the old URL for your title - then, no worries, just send us the old URL via our Contact us form and we will get back to you with the new URL.😊 Hope you find this new feature useful on your journey of discovery!